KOL Sharing Sessions

If you want to hear recommendation on various opportunities available at EdUHK from our active and outstanding students, don’t miss out our online student sharing sessions! There will be 4 KOL sessions running from 19 to 22 August, each featuring different topics: Scholarships and Awards, Service Learning, Career Development, and Student Financial Assistances.

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Scholarships & Awards

​​​​​​​19 August 2024 (Mon)
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Language: Cantonese/English (with English PowerPoint Slides)

There are many scholarships and awards at EdUHK. If you want to know which are open for application, the eligibility criteria, how to apply, strategy for getting high GPA, how to be commended by the President… two scholarship holders will share their tips with you.

Lessons Beyond the Classroom: Transformative Stories of Service Learning

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​20 August 2024 (Tue)
2:00 pm – 3:15 pm
Language: Cantonese with English PowerPoint Slides

Join us for a fruitful session where former service learning programme students participants will share their transformative experiences! You can hear first-hand accounts of how they stepped outside the traditional academic setting to engage with local and global communities, unlock new perspectives and foster personal growth through service-learning activities.

One-Stop Guide to Career Development Opportunities for Freshmen

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​21 August 2024 (Wed)
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Language: Cantonese/Putonghua/English​ (with English PowerPoint Slides)

SAO Career Development Service will introduce a series of activities that can equip you to polish your CV and explore future career paths. Your senior peers will share their take-away from local and overseas internships. If you want to know how the experience has enriched his/her university life, come and join us to explore the learning opportunities.

Student Financial Assistances

​​​​​​​22 August 2024 (Thur)
2:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Language: Cantonese with English PowerPoint Slides

Financial matters may be one of your concerns to start your studies here. Do you want to get a brief idea of the student financial assistance schemes provided by the Government and the EdUHK? You are strongly encouraged to attend this briefing session designed for all new students!